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Fall River, Massachusetts, United States​

Second Thursday, Monthly



Our Meetings

​​​​Sons and Daughters of Italy - Fall RIver


Lodge Leadership



Roseann Anthony

Mistresses of Ceremony:

Kate Gibney

​Maryann Petrasso

We are a national organization of men and women who represent the estimated 26 million Americans of Italian heritage, dedicated to promoting our culture, our traditions, our language, the legacy of our ancestors, and our contributions to the U.S. and the world. 

We are sons and daughters, grandmothers and grandfathers. We are corporate executives and we are union members...young students and retirees...teachers and attorneys...doctors and firefighters...bakers and Wall Street brokers...and everything in between. We are philanthropists and we are model global citizens with purpose beyond ourselves. 

We are proud and patriotic Americans of Italian heritage. We exemplify the very best of what it is to be Italian American.


Gail Laferriere-Caprio

Elaine DeNardo
Frank "Butch" DeNardo

Theresa Esposito

Al Petrasso

President:Mario Lucciola

Vice President: Sue Sousa

Past President: Bob Sousa

Orator: John Saulino, Esq.

Recording Secretary:Christine Gibney

Financial Secretary: Janet Panel

Treasurer: Gina Kates